Configuring ADFS SSO with Apache CloudStack/CloudPlatform using SAML
Apache CloudStack supports SAML2 integration. This can be used to enable SSO using ADFS. Prerequisites: 1. ADFS server running with https enabled (lets call this (This is called Identity Provider or IdP in SAML terminology) 2. Management Server with https enabled (lets call this (This is called Service Provider or SP in SAML terminology) 3. ADFS and MS should be able to talk to each using domain names and https Installing ADFS on windows server 2k12 R2 Keep a verified certificate PFX file and password handy Go to server manager, Manage -> Add roles and Features, select Domain services and install. Once installed, configure it and promote it to domain server Go to server manager, Manage -> Add roles and Features, select Federation Services and install Once installed, configure it. During the configuration it asks for certificate provide the required certificates and install Reference: https://www.virtual...