Parsing CloudStack Management Server logs and tracing API command
Parsing CloudStack can be difficult sometimes since the API calls create asynchronous jobs. A new user might find it difficult to trace the logs from api to the actual end point(Host, SSVM, KVM agent, Direct agent etc.) Here is an example on how you can parse the logs: 1. Look for api call and find logId:xxxxx from the logs. $ cat vmops.log | grep "createSnapshot" 2018-03-20 17:26:13,968 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] (qtp502458215-2586:ctx-625958a0) ( logid:15907246 ) ===START=== -- GET command=createSnapshot&response=json&volumeId=3128662b-b696-42a2-ba28-921ba330b430&quiescevm=false&asyncBackup=false&name=snap9&_=1521547911513 2018-03-20 17:26:14,229 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] (qtp502458215-2586:ctx-625958a0 ctx-d4cd9ea2) ( logid:15907246 ) ===END=== -- GET command=createSnapshot&response=json&volumeId=3128662b-b696-42a2-ba28-921ba330b430&quiescevm=false&asyncBack...